Twitter Becomes A Mess After Followers Rise

It is no secret that social media sites help garner huge audience for the blog. So I ended up creating a facebook and a twitter page for my blog. All was well in the beginning as I followed few users and they followed me back on twitter. But as the number of people I followed increased the whole thing turned to a complete mess and my plan of attracting the twitter audience to my blog resulted into plain waste of time.

The main area of activity of twitter is the tweet feed. This feed shows you the tweets made by all folks that you follow. As long as I was following maybe around 50 accounts, my tweed feed screen stayed sane. But  I currently follow 1900 folks. And there are 20-30 tweets posted or re-tweeted every 5 seconds by them. So by the time I am done reading one single tweet, 30 new tweets wait to drool down the screen.

But that is not the worst part. I also happen to have around 1500 folks who follow me, that is followers. When I had around 300-400 folks who followed me I got more re-tweets and replies compared to now. Sounds ironic and puzzling isn't it. How I reason that out is that, as my follower count has tripled, so have my each follower's followers count increased. So each of them now suffer something similar to what I described in the previous paragraph. Which means my tweets are buried down within a minute after I post them before any active user hardly even sees it. Plus lately people on twitter have become more reluctant to re-tweet and especially to open photos and weird links.

This means a total disaster for me as a blogger because nobody opens links and photos these days, and even the possibility of slowly building an audience is diminished because of the rise of follower count. Hence it has been a long time since I made a jump from twitter to facebook. I now have a facebook page for my blog which has only around 200 likes but still the audience I attract from it to my blog is higher than twitter. Although its difficult to get new likes on facebook, I certainly would stick to facebook now. So good-bye twitter as of for now.